Saturday, July 24, 2010

Happy Birthday Sis!!:D
I can't believe your 10!!!!
Love this PICTURE!!:):)

Kailey came to the pool to keep me company! What an amazing friend! :)

My aunt going off the top platform!!!! YIKES!

Rylee and all her cute friends!

Summer Days!

Hannah Banana and Me!:)

Adorable Lacey!

And Again...:)

Rylee and I got excited when we saw these!!!!:D

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Random Pictures!!!:)

Hannah, Me, and Demi:)

Drill Girls!

My cousin Lacey!


Hannah, Kenna, and Me!:)

Yellow and Black Day!:)

Kails and Cache!

Fireworks above Disneyland's Castle!!!

Ry Bug!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Our Annual Colorado Summer Trip!!

This year for the fourth of July we went to see family in Colorado. It was so much fun we saw movies, went to the mall, watched fireworks, and hung out! It was a blast!

My good friend Maddy!

My mom and two favorite aunts!:)

Don't ask...:)

The car ride!! It took soo LONG...not to mention the extra hour of having to sit on the highway because of a huge accident!! I don't have a lot of patience for being in the car!:)

First Drill Performance!!

I had so much fun up at camp for drill! I enjoy performing!:)