Sunday, November 29, 2009

Kailey's 15th Birthday Party!!
For my birthday i was going to do a little get together with a few friends on saturday night. On friday my sister Laurie took me to dinner and to the mall when i arrived home there was a scavenger hunt waiting for me! I followed it all over and it made me put on a new shirt and some perfume. Finally i went outside and "gazed at the stars with my dog daisy" like it told me too. Then out of no where popped out all my friends!! I was so surprised! My best friend in the whole world had thrown me a surprise party with help from my sister Laurie and my sister Morgan!! Thank you soo much you guys!! It was the best birthday party ever!! :)

The other part of the surprise is that everyone got to sleepover!! They hid their stuff in morgans room!

They also decorated my whole room. It was a mess! :)

Our silly friends. :)

After everyone popped out we took a picture. I also got a pink happy birthday crown for my present and it lights up!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Dance Company Concert
Didn't we have such cute partners for the boy girl dance!!
Morgan did Thriller with us!
On October 29th we had our Halloween Concert for ninth grade Dance Company. These are our thriller costumes that we made! We had so much fun!! It was really funny because our teacher always put us together in almost every dance. Probably because of our height. :)

Dance company waiting backstage while doing our good luck chant with the spirit stick we made.

Me, Melanie, Hannah, and Maddy goofing off backstage.

This is part of mine and Kailey's favorite dance...Obsession Posession!!